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Creating Accounts by Direct Connect Download

Creating accounts by Direct Connect downloads is a quick and simple process. These instructions are for creating new accounts. You can also Setup Direct Connect Downloads for existing accounts.

***Note: Only banking, investment, credit card, and loan accounts can be setup using Direct Connect.***

***Note: Some financial institutions require a separate user name and/or password for using Direct Connect. Plus, some financial institutions also charge a fee to use this service. When trying to obtain information about setting up your account(s) for Direct Connect with financial institutions it is best to search for information about how to setup Quicken® for "Direct Connect" downloads.***

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Creating Accounts by Direct Connect:

  1. From the Menu Bar select "Accounts" then "New Account" OR click either action button under the accounts list.
  2. Select the "Get Account Information from Financial Institution" option.
  3. Wait a moment for the list of financial institutions that offer Direct Connect to load.
  4. Find your financial institution by scrolling the list or using the search field under the list and click "Next".
  5. Wait a moment while SEE Finance connects to the institution to retrieve current information about the institution.
  6. Next, if successful connections have been made, you will be asked for information to setup your account. Depending on your financial institution you may just need to enter your user name and password OR you might have to enter the one or more of the following: type of account, account number, routing number (aka bank number), user name, and password. Also, you have the option to store your login credentials in the Apple Keychain on your computer in order to allow quicker downloads in the future (no user account information is ever saved in SEE Finance see note below). Be sure to check whether or not you would like to download all available transactions or not. Then click "Next".
  7. Wait another moment while SEE Finance connects to the institution to retrieve your account information from the institution.
  8. If there is only one account found that matches the account information you entered then you will be shown the "New Account Summary" screen showing information about your account. If this is the case just click "Finish" and you're done!.
    ***If there were multiple accounts are found that match the information you entered you will be presented with the "Multiple Accounts Found" screen. Select the desired account from the list and click "Next". This will take you back to step #7.***


See also

Direct Connect Setup FAQs
Creating Accounts
Web Connect
List of Account Topics
List of Account Downloads Topics