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Editing & Importing Investment Historical Quotes

Editing & importing investment historical quotes is easy. For securities not available to download historical investment quotes you can manually enter and edit or import their historical quotes from CSV and QIF files.

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Editing & Importing Investment Historical Quotes

Editing Investment Historical Quotes:

  1. Select the "Portfolio" listing from the main Account List.
  2. Select "Analysis" from the top bar of buttons.
  3. Then select "Security List" or "Watch List" from the "Portfolio Analysis" bar of buttons under the top bar.
  4. Select the desired security you wish to manually edit or view its historical quotes.
  5. Then click the "Quotes Table" button underneath the table of securities to pull down the historical quotes table for the selected security.
  6. Use the "+" button to add a new historical quote (it automatically will enter the next day from the last quote in table for the date and its close for its value.
  7. Use the "-" button to delete currently selected historical quote(s).
  8. To edit a historical quote double click its value and enter the new one.


Importing Investment Historical Quotes From CSV Files

Importing Investment Historical Quotes From CSV Files:

  1. Select the "Portfolio" listing from the main Account List.
  2. Select "Analysis" from the top bar of buttons.
  3. Then select "Security List" or "Watch List" from the "Portfolio Analysis" bar of buttons under the top bar.
  4. Select the desired security you wish to import historical quotes for.
  5. Then click the "Import Quotes" button underneath the table of securities.
  6. Now find the CSV file you would like to import in the "Open" file browser and select "Open".
  7. Wait for a moment while SEE Finance gathers the information from the selected file.
  8. Next the CSV import window will come down and show the historical quotes imported from the file. Check to verify whether or not you want to import these historical quotes. You can check individual historical quotes to be imported or not using the "Import" column in the table of historical quotes.
  9. Select the appropriate values for "Start Row" and "End Row" in case the file has header information in the first row(s) and/or summary information in the last row(s).
  10. Select the date format that specifically matches the historical quotes found in the file (see note below).
  11. Check and set the decimal separator used for numbers found in the file. If the numbers are using periods for decimal separators select "Period" (like "50.00"), if the numbers are using commas for decimal separators select "Comma" (like "50,00").
  12. Match the date, close and adjusted close columns to the information they represent using the pop up buttons for Date, Close, and Adjusted Close (adjusted close is optional).
  13. Select whether you wish to import these historical quotes and replace any existing quotes for the selected security or whether you wish to import these historical quotes and just add to them to the existing historical quotes for this security.
  14. Select the "Import" button and you're done!


Importing Investment Historical Quotes From QIF Files

Importing Investment Historical Quotes From QIF Files:

  1. Select the "Portfolio" listing from the main Account List.
  2. Select "Analysis" from the top bar of buttons.
  3. Then select "Security List" or "Watch List" from the "Portfolio Analysis" bar of buttons under the top bar.
  4. Then click the "Import Quotes" button underneath the table of securities.
  5. Now find the QIF file you would like to import in the "Open" file browser and select "Open".
  6. Wait for a moment while SEE Finance gathers the information from the selected file.
  7. Next the QIF import window will come down and show the securities found in the QIF file that has historical quote available for import. Check to verify whether or not you want to import any of these security's historical quotes. In the top table check the "Import" check box of the securities you wish to import. You can also check individual historical quotes to be imported or not using the "Import" column in the "Investment Quotes for Selected Security:" table.
  8. Select the date format that specifically matches the historical quotes found in the file (see note below).
  9. Select whether you wish to import these historical quotes and replace any existing quotes for the selected security or whether you wish to import these historical quotes and just add to them to the existing historical quotes for this security.
  10. Select the "Import" button and you're done!


See also

Updating Investment Quotes
Investment Tips & Tricks
Investment Preferences
List of Investment Topics