Edit Transaction Icon

Editing Recurring Transactions

Editing recurring transactions is easy, just follow the steps below.

Edit Transaction Icon Recurring Icon

How to Recurring Edit Transactions:

  1. Select the Recurring Transactions View by selecting "Recurring Transactions" from the Account List.
  2. Select the desired transaction you wish to edit from the transaction table.
  3. To edit a recurring transaction you must first uncheck the "Activate Transaction" checkbox.
  4. Adjust the recurring transactions details as desired (recurring type, start date, end date, account, payee, type, category, memo, amount, etc.).

    There is a button next to the date field that will show a transaction date pop-up calendar and even allows you to set the transaction date down to the second (the calendar date pop-up window can also be opened using the "C" or "D" keyboard shortcut when the date selector is selected. There are also many Keyboard Shortcuts for entering dates.

    Amount fields are equipped with pop-up calculators. Amount pop-up calculators are activated by entering "=" in the desired amount field and they keep a running tab of entered values. You can accept the calculated value by entering "=" again or by pressing return. To cancel the calculation hit the escape key or press "Command W". For some more information about entering values in the pop-up calculators check out Keyboard Shortcuts.
  5. Once the recurring transaction is updated as desired, check the "Activate Transaction" checkbox and you're done!


See also

Creating Recurring Transactions
Deleting Recurring Transactions
Recurring Types
Split Transactions
Splitting a Transaction
Removing Split Transactions
Keyboard Shortcuts
List of Payees, Types & Categories Topics
List of Transactions Topics