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Splitting a Transaction

Splitting transactions is easy, just follow the steps below.

Create Transaction Icon

Splitting a Transaction:

  1. Select the transaction you would like to split (from a transaction register, a statement, a transaction filter, or a recurring transaction).
  2. Click the split button underneath the transaction's edit information.
  3. Now just fill in all your split transaction details (category, memo, amount, etc.).
  4. Repeat to create as many split transactions as you need for each component of the overall transaction you wish to breakdown.


Example of a Splitting a Transaction for a General Store Purchase

Example of a Splitting a Transaction for a General Store Purchase:
For example, you may have made a purchase for $100.00 at a big box store for both grocery and household items and would like to categorize the transaction as $75.00 for "Groceries" and $25.00 for "Home".

  1. Select the overall transaction of $100 for the big box store to split from the transaction register.
  2. Click the split button underneath the transaction's edit information.
  3. The transaction will initially create two splits and automatically select the first one.
  4. For the first split under the overall transaction set its category to "Groceries" (accepting to add it to the category list as an expense category if not already there).
  5. Then since the transaction is an expense and overall amount is -100.00, set this split's amount to be -75.00 (note the "-" sign in front of the amount).
  6. Next, select the second split and set its category to "Home" (accepting to add it to the category list as an expense category if not already there).
  7. The sum of all split transactions must add up to equal the amount of the overall transaction and the last split is forced to make up any difference. Since the second split is the last split under the this overall transaction it will automatically have its amount set to -25.00 and now you're all done!

Example of Creating a Paycheck Transaction with Split Transactions in a Bank Account

Example of Creating a Paycheck Transaction with Split Transactions in a Bank Account:
For example, you have your paycheck and would like to track the various parts of it (gross pay, state taxes and federal taxes). The paycheck is for $750.00 with a gross pay amount of $1,000.00, state taxes of $50.00 and federal taxes of $200.00.

  1. Create a transaction for $750.00 with the payee set to your employer or other source of the paycheck (accepting to add it to the payees list if not already there).
  2. Set the transaction type to be "Paycheck".
  3. Click the split button underneath the transaction's edit information.
  4. The transaction will initially create two splits and automatically select the first one.
  5. We will need three splits, so click the split button one more time to add a third split.
  6. For the first split under the overall transaction set its category to "Salary" (accepting to add it to the category list as an income category if not already there).
  7. Set the first split's amount to be 1,000.00.
  8. Next, select the second split and set its category to "Payroll Taxes - State" (accepting to add it to the category list as an expense category if not already there).
  9. Then since taxes are an expense, set this split's amount to be -50.00 (note the "-" sign in front of the amount).
  10. Next, select the third split and set its category to "Payroll Taxes - Federal" (accepting to add it to the category list as an expense category if not already there).
  11. The sum of all split transactions must add up to equal the amount of the overall transaction and the last split is forced to make up any difference. Since the third split is the last split under the this overall transaction it will automatically have its amount set to -200.00 and now you're all done!

See also

Editing Transactions
Auto-Categorizing Transactions
Memorized Transactions
Transaction Filters
Keyboard Shortcuts
List of Transactions Topics