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Merging Payee Names

Merging payee names is easy, just follow the steps below.

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Merging Payee Names:

  1. Select the "Payees, Types & Categories" from the Account List.
  2. Select the Payees View by selecting the "Payees" button on the right of the top bar.
  3. If you know the payee(s) you wish to merge into another, select the payee(s) to merge.
  4. Click the "Merge" button on bottom left of the Payees View.
  5. The merge payees sheet will some down. Select the desired payee(s) to merge and the payee you wish to merge into.
  6. Click "Merge" and the selected payees will merge and any transactions that used the payee(s) that were merged will now use the payee it was merged into.

See also

Payee Names
Creating Payee Names
Deleting Payee Names
Hiding/Showing Payee Names
Memorized Transactions
List of Payees, Types & Categories Topics