Transfer Icon

Transfer Transactions

Transfer transactions between accounts in SEE Finance must be manually entered as separate transactions in both accounts. You can easily create both these transactions in one simple step by using the create transfer transaction feature. This feature is accessed from the Main Menu by selecting "Transactions" and then "Create Transfer Transaction...". Just fill in the fields and you'll have both sides of this transfer created quickly. In situations where you already have one side of a transfer recorded in one account and need to record the corresponding other side of the transfer in another account, you can easily record this corresponding transaction by selecting "Create Corresponding Transfer Transaction..." from the "Transactions" menu. Check out the links below to find out more information about transactions in SEE Finance.

***Note: When manually creating transfer transactions make sure to use the "Transfer" transaction type and, if the transfer is with another account in SEE Finance, use the appropriate payee name and category name for the account (account payees always end in their account type, such as " - Credit Card", or for bank accounts their subtype, such as " - Checking" and account category names are the account names in brackets).***

Transfer Icon

See also

Creating Transactions
Deleting Transactions
Split Transactions
Splitting a Transaction
Removing Split Transactions
Duplicating Transactions
Downloading Transactions
Keyboard Shortcuts
List of Payees, Types & Categories Topics
List of Transactions Topics