Create Transaction Icon

Creating Transactions

Creating transactions is easy, just follow the steps below.

Create Transaction Icon

Creating Transactions:

  1. Select the desired account from the Account List.
  2. To create a transaction for the regular transaction register select the "Transactions" view by selecting the "Transactions" button on the right of the top bar.

    To create a transaction for the statement transaction register select the "Statements" view by selecting the "Statements" button on the right of the top bar and select the desired statement from the statements table.
  3. Either use the Menu Bar and select "Transactions" then "New Transaction" OR raise the transaction Transactions Edit View view by selecting the "Edit" button on the center of the top bar, then click the "+" button on the bottom left.
  4. Now just fill in all your transaction details (date, payee, category, memo, amount, etc.).


Example of a Entering Simple Payment Transaction

Example of a Entering Simple Payment Transaction:
For example, you want to record a grocery store purchase of $100.00.

  1. Select the desired account from the Account List.
  2. To create a transaction for the regular transaction register select the Transactions View by selecting the "Transactions" button on the right of the top bar.

    To create a transaction for the statement transaction register select the Statements View by selecting the "Statements" button on the right of the top bar and select the desired statement from the statements table.
  3. Either use the Menu Bar and select "Transactions" then "New Transaction" OR raise the transaction Transactions Edit View view by selecting the "Edit" button on the center of the top bar, then click the "+" button on the bottom left.
  4. Enter the name of the grocery store for the payee (accepting to add it to the payees list if desired).
  5. Fill in the transaction type as appropriate.
  6. Set the transaction's category to "Groceries" (accepting to add it to the category list as an expense category if not already there).
  7. For the amount enter -100.00 since this is an expense (note the "-" sign in front of the amount) and you're all done!.

Example of a Entering Simple Deposit Transaction

Example of a Entering Simple Deposit Transaction:
For example, you want to record a deposit of your paycheck for $1000.00 in a checking account.

  1. Select the desired checking account from the Account List.
  2. To create a transaction for the regular transaction register select the Transactions View by selecting the "Transactions" button on the right of the top bar.

    To create a transaction for the statement transaction register select the Statements View by selecting the "Statements" button on the right of the top bar and select the desired statement from the statements table.
  3. Either use the Menu Bar and select "Transactions" then "New Transaction" OR raise the transaction Transactions Edit View view by selecting the "Edit" button on the center of the top bar, then click the "+" button on the bottom left.
  4. Enter the name of the source of the paycheck for the payee such as your employer's name (accepting to add it to the payees list if desired).
  5. Set the transaction type to "Paycheck".
  6. Set the transaction's category to "Salary" (accepting to add it to the category list as an income category if not already there).
  7. For the amount enter 1000.00 since this is an deposit and you're all done!.

See also

Editing Transactions
Payee Names
Transaction Types
Default Transaction Types
Splitting a Transaction
Duplicating Transactions
Downloading Transactions
Setting Default Account Transactions
Transfer Transactions
Balance Adjustment Transactions
Auto-Categorizing Transactions
Memorized Transactions
Transaction Filters
Keyboard Shortcuts
List of Payees, Types & Categories Topics
List of Transactions Topics