Edit Transaction Icon

Editing Transactions

Editing transactions is easy, just follow the steps below.

Edit Transaction Icon

How to Edit Transactions:

  1. Select the desired account from the Account List.
  2. To edit a transaction in the regular transaction register select the Transactions View by selecting the "Transactions" button on the right of the top bar.

    To edit a transaction for the statement transaction register select the Statements View by selecting the "Statements" button on the right of the top bar and select the desired statement from the statements table.
  3. Select the desired transaction you wish to edit from the transaction table.
  4. To raise the Transactions Edit View you can either use the Menu Bar and select "View" and then "Edit View" OR select the "Edit" button on the center of the top bar.
  5. If you have transaction locking turned on you will need to click the "Unlock" button in the Transactions Edit View view OR you can use the keyboard shortcut for unlocking/locking transactions for editing (Command Shift E). You can turn transaction locking on or off in the Transaction Preferences.
  6. Now with the Transactions Edit View view shown, just edit all your desired transaction details (date, payee, type, category, memo, amount, etc.).

    There is a button next to the date field that will show a transaction date pop-up calendar and even allows you to set the transaction date down to the second (the calendar date pop-up window can also be opened using the "C" or "D" keyboard shortcut when the date selector is selected. There are also many Keyboard Shortcuts for entering dates.

    Amount fields are equipped with pop-up calculators. Amount pop-up calculators are activated by entering "=" in the desired amount field and they keep a running tab of entered values. You can accept the calculated value by entering "=" again or by pressing return. To cancel the calculation hit the escape key or press "Command W". For some more information about entering values in the pop-up calculators check out Keyboard Shortcuts.

    You can also even set an image for the transaction by dragging one into the image view. You can view the transaction images in a separate resizable window which is even capable of viewing PDF files. In the transaction image window you can also choose to print and save the image.
  7. If you have transaction locking turned on you can click the "Lock" button in the Transactions Edit View view OR you can use the keyboard shortcut for unlocking/locking transactions for editing (Command Shift E). You can turn transaction locking on or off in the Transaction Preferences. Note that simply changing transaction selection or switching to another view will automatically lock the transaction.


Bulk Transaction Editing You can only edit up to 10 transactions at a time in the Transactions Edit View view of an account. However, you can edit any number of transactions using the "Transactions" menu or the transactions contextual menu (shown by Control clicking a transactions table) and also by using transaction filters. In the "Transactions" menu or the transactions contextual menu you can change the payee, type category or reconciled status of any number of transactions. You can also clear out the values for payee, type, category, memo transaction number, check number or reconciled status of any number of transactions. With transaction filters you can setup a filter to look for certain transactions based on constraints you create and set the value(s) of transactions matching these constraints to the value(s) of the filter's selected action. To learn more about creating transaction filters click here.

Mouse Free Transaction Entry
Transaction entry and editing is capable of being 100% mouse free using keyboard shortcuts. You can select accounts by scrolling through the list by using the arrow keys. You can select an account's different views by using the corresponding keyboard shortcuts found in the "View" menu. You can open and close the the Transactions Edit View by using a keyboard shortcut ("Command 4"). You can also open and close the the Transactions Graph View by using a keyboard shortcut ("Command 5"). You can then tab between all the accounts, the transactions table, edit fields and search field. You can enter subcategories by simply typing the first letter of the parent category and the subcategory with a dash ("-") in between (example: type "a-f" to select the "Auto - Fuel" subcategory). Note that you can even customize the tab order of transaction editing fields by selecting "Edit Tab Order of Transaction Fields" from the "Transactions" menu. You can create, delete, and split transactions using the corresponding keyboard shortcuts found in the "Transactions" menu. To switch back to the transactions table quickly use the appropriate keyboard shortcut for the type of table being used ("Command 1" for the Transactions List View and "Command 2" for Transactions Icon View). To change the transaction selection when the transactions table is not selected you can use "Command Up" and "Command Down". If you have transaction editing locking turned on you can unlock and lock transactions using the "Command Shift E" keyboard shortcut. For any alert or warning window that appears use can use the return key for the default selection in blue, for removing items the delete key will select the appropriate button, and for other actions the first letter of the action can be used to select the appropriate button.

See also

Transactions Edit View
Creating Transactions
Payee Names
Transaction Types
Default Transaction Types
Splitting a Transaction

Duplicating Transactions
Transfer Transactions
Recurring Transactions
Auto-Categorizing Transactions
Memorized Transactions
Transaction Filters
Searching Transactions
Keyboard Shortcuts
List of Payees, Types & Categories Topics
List of Transactions Topics