Transaction Icon

Searching Transactions

While in an account you can search transactions based on payee, transaction type, category, memo, security and/or amount by entering a value in the bottom right search field. When you enter a value in the search field a light blue search criteria bar appears at the top of the window indicating the fields selected for the search (Payee, Type, Category, Memo, Security, Amount). You can also use the account's "Start" and "End" dates below the transactions table to narrow down transactions by date. During searches the regular "Balance" listing under table of transactions becomes the "Search Total" for the transactions from the search. Searches are also printable by selecting "Print" from the file menu and selecting to print "Show Transactions".

Transaction Icon

See also

Creating Transactions
Editing Transactions
Deleting Transactions
Transfer Transactions
Balance Adjustment Transactions
Setting Default Account Transactions
Split Transactions
Splitting a Transaction
Removing Split Transactions
Duplicating Transactions
Downloading Transactions
Auto-Categorizing Transactions
Memorized Transactions
Transaction Filters
List of Payees, Types & Categories Topics
List of Transactions Topics